Cab Chat Radio Show E185 18-10-2018
CAB CHAT IN ASSOCIATION WITH PLAN INSURANCE 0800 542 2740 Planinsurance.co.uk DRIVERTAX 020 8529 2600 drivertax.co.uk WEDDING TAXIS 020 8304 6645 weddingtaxis.co.uk Hosted this week by @SuperCabby Issues Discussed this week: SuperCabby.co.uk New iPhone and...
Cab Chat Show E184 08-10-2018
CAB CHAT IN ASSOCIATION WITH PLAN INSURANCE 0800 542 2740 Planinsurance.co.uk DRIVERTAX 020 8529 2600 drivertax.co.uk WEDDING TAXIS 020 8304 6645 weddingtaxis.co.uk Hosted this week by @SuperCabby Guests This week: MacTheCab Rob Cardwell Issues Discussed this...
Cab Chat Daily Tuesday 9th October 2018
Cab Chat Daily Tuesday 9th October 2018 Uber refused to attend the Transport Committee meeting of the GLA at City Hall today as it was a public meeting Sherbet London launches its new Taxi app with considerable advertising placement around London 16 members of...
Cab Chat Radio Show E183 02-10-2018
CAB CHAT IN ASSOCIATION WITH PLAN INSURANCE 0800 542 2740 Planinsurance.co.uk DRIVERTAX 020 8529 2600 drivertax.co.uk WEDDING TAXIS 020 8304 6645 weddingtaxis.co.uk Hosted this week by @SuperCabby Guests This week: MacTheCab Drop Kick Rick Steve Crispo...
Cab Chat Radio Show E182 24-09-2018
CAB CHAT IN ASSOCIATION WITH PLAN INSURANCE 0800 542 2740 Planinsurance.co.uk DRIVERTAX 020 8529 2600 drivertax.co.uk WEDDING TAXIS 020 8304 6645 weddingtaxis.co.uk Issues Discussed this week: Courtney Connell Speaks at the UKIP Conference in Birmingham Task...
Cab Chat Daily Show Friday 21-09-2018
Cab Chat Daily Friday 21st September 2018 Some taxi drivers in York have been operating without valid criminal record checks in place due to a “serious” error by City of York Council. A report by the council’s third party auditors Veritau uncovered that the...
Cab Chat Daily Thursday 20-09-2018
Cab Chat Daily Thursday 20th September 2018 UTAG’s Legal Team yesterday lodged papers to Judicially Review the decision of Emma Arbuthnot to grant Uber a license. Supporting evidence as to the reasons for a JR was also supplied...
Cab Chat Radio Show E181 18-09-2018
CAB CHAT IN ASSOCIATION WITH PLAN INSURANCE 0800 542 2740 Planinsurance.co.uk DRIVERTAX 020 8529 2600 drivertax.co.uk WEDDING TAXIS 020 8304 6645 weddingtaxis.co.uk Issues Discussed this week: The City of London Corporation voted on Thursday 13th September to make...
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