PLAN INSURANCE 0800 542 2869

DRIVERTAX 020 8529 2600

WEDDING TAXIS 020 8304 6645

(To listen to the full show including the music please use the Mixcloud player, for just the chat please use the player at the top of the page)

Hosted this week by @SuperCabby

Issues Discussed this week:

FLYING taxis will soon take major cities by storm with 23,000 of the aviation automobiles filling the skies as soon as 2035, researchers have claimed. 

Peter Andre reveals he NEVER uses Uber because he prefers traditional black cabs

Uber and Cabify are to cease operations in Barcelona since a 15 minute pre booking timescale was brought into law by the city


Plans afoot to make Bank Junction even more pedestrian friendly

Sadiq Khans interview in the back of a London Taxi has been proved to be a setup and fake, it was not a real Taxi driver in the front but Norman Smith, Chief Political Correspondent of the BBC.

Drivers will have licence revoked if they fail road side eye test

LEVC advise on hot and cold driving of the TXe 

Bald Men Are More Intelligent, Successful, and Masculine, Says Science

More lazy reporting from The Advertiser with the headline London Taxi Drivers March on City Hall, not a single Taxi driver in sight bu hordes of Uber drivers

Why is the Uber protest reported in the MSM and yet the Taxi protest are not?

Are TFL holding up knowledge boys and girls

Plus much more………

Contributions this week:

SuperCabby – Jamie

Dan from Plan

Drumslayer @Drumslayer2

Steve @SixMileSteve – Point of the Week

Drop Kick Rick – Taxi Rank Titters

And Much More…….

Tel: 020 8144 8294
Whatsapp: 07743 161656

Cab Chat is a podcast about London and it World Famous Taxi Drivers, taking a light-hearted and humorous look at whats going on in London

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